Are you sure that it also can be called Wasserhund (lit.: "waterdog")? or is it just a mishearing of the german denotation Wasserhuhn (= coot, lit.: "waterchicken")? In modern german the genus Fulica is called Blesshuhn/Blässhuhn or Wasserhuhn. The species Fulica americana is called Amerikanisches Blesshuhn/Blässhuhn but can also be called Indianerbläßhuhn or Schieferbläßhuhn. So can somebody give more information about the etymology of the denotations Schtink Ent (lit. "stinking duck") and Wasserhund? thanks in advance 01:45, 1 August 2007 (UTC)

Just changed. There is a "Wasserhund", bit it's a dog. The pictured bird is indeed the so called "Blässhuhn" or, if you like, "Blaesshuhn", lit: "chicken with a white spot between the eyes". Greetings from Old Germany, where also a lot of "Schtink Ents" are living! -- 07:36, 20. Yen. 2010 (UTC)

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