Dischbedutt:Haaptblatt/Archive 1
Nei Haaptblatt
EnnereSeit ihr etwa die Menschen weswegen alle Amerikaner glauben das wir Deutsche immer Lederhosen tragen und Bier trinken und Oktoberfeste veranstalten?
Ich hab es alt schee Haaptblatt gschpaart. Es alt Blatt iss dohiwwe Hawptblatt, unn en even alder Haaptblatt is do Hauptblatt unn en widderuffbaue vun's elscht iss do Hauptseite wie es waar uff der 22 Yuli, 2005. Wikignecht 05:07, 12. Feb 2006 (CET)
Hi Dutchbu, we would need a new category "German-Pennsylvanian Association (Projects)". We have plans to use the Pennsylvnaia German wikipedia at least for the following projects: Pennsylvania German placenames, Pennsylvania German places of interest in the old country, Pennsylvania German as a second language. Would you please mention those projects on the main page under that new category (if you like, choose a Pennsylvania German translation). Machs guud. Michel
Ich spreche diese Sprache leider nicht kann aber naturgemäß eine Menge verstehen.
Bin erstaunt und überrascht und wünsche diesem Projekt viel Glück!
Gruß aus (dem verregneten) Wien
wikiuser "DerHarald"
- Deck stramm säit Jongen... Wäider sou. D'Bunnes-republik Däitschland freet sech iwwert d'Engagement vun der Gemeinschaft aus Pennsilfaania.
- kann mich nur anschließen. Verstehe fast alles, hab aber bis zum heutigen Tagen noch nie von dieser Sprache gehört. Wo wird sie gesprochen? Nur von Amisch oder auch von anderen? Viel Glück mit diesem Projekt.
- Deitsch ist nicht juscht von de Amische geschproche, aber die Majority sind heitetags Amisch. Hier ist ebbes dass in Hochdeutsch gschribbe iss wege die Schprache (Aber, es gibt nur eine kleine Fehler uff dem Gewebbblatt: Hutterische (Hutterer) Leute tune net Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch schpreche-ich glaab sell waer net em Dr. Mark Louden sei Fehler awwer yuscht eine falsche Auslegung). Dischdeldritsch 13:13, 11 April 2006 (UTC)
- Auch ich habe in der Schule einiges über die Amish erfahren und interessiere mich sehr für diese Volksgruppe. Es ist faszinierend, wie sich diese Sprache aus dem Deutschen entwickelt hat und lese hier sehr interessiert. Ich wünsche euch viel Erfolg beim Ausbauen dieser Wikipedia, da sie sicher einen Teil zur Erhaltung dieser Sprache beiträgt. user: dario88 aus der deutschen Wikipedia
oiso fia an eschtareicha is de sproch a weng schreg weu des is des reinste Tirolerisch
Info for non-Pennsylvania Dutch speakers
EnnereCould you tell me what is this wikipedia and why nobody tries to make it more "formal", proposing it at meta ? You shouldn't have any problem with it, there are plenty of official wikkis less developed as yours... You can count on my vote ;) D_T_G 13:53, 23. Mär 2006 (CET)
- This is a Wiki not a Wikipedia, but we wait for better days... -- 20:21, 23. Mär 2006 (CET)
- There is a Wikipedia now! See http://pdc.wikipedia.org/ -- 05:33, 25. Mär 2006 (CET)
My congrats :) D_T_G 16:32, 25. Mär 2006 (CET)
Ist da eine Möglichkeit gibt die ganze Datenbank zu verschieben? Is there a possibility to gives the whole database to import? -- 16:44, 25. Mär 2006 (CET)
- Ask one of the Wikimedia developers, see m:Developers. Maybe they can import the sql or xml file easily. Also think of the GNU-FDL rules: The full article histories has to remain. -- 11:21, 28 March 2006 (UTC)
- I ask the developers JeLuF, consanguinity, brion, etc.. for assistance, but there is no interest. -- 09:00, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
- Please see Wikipedia:Amisch.de history import ---Melancholie 18:08, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
- tomorrow a developer like to do import the whole data -- 18:38, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
- Danki schee! This makes it all much easier, and we can keep page history, so it's great.Dischdeldritsch 19:15, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
- See MediaZilla:5438 (only for ksh.WP, but if this goes through, the same could be done for pdc.WP!?) -- 10:38, 4 April 2006 (UTC)
Please have a look on MediaZilla:5438 (ksh.wp got enabled Special:Import for one user) -- 02:02, 22 Abrill 2006 (UTC)
Press contact?
EnnereIs there anyone who wants to be the official press contact for this language, in the odd case anyone from the press wants to talk to a contributor to this project? If so, contact me at en:user:zanimum. -- Zanimum 18:58, 29 March 2006 (UTC)
Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch and Pennsilfaanisch-hochdeitsch
EnnereSorry for not speaking Deitsch however I'm not a native speaker and would probably butcher your language in an attempt.
I am attempting to translate Berliner Journal into latin, and am having a hard time with it. One part that really confuses me (and even a native Deutsch speaker whom I asked) is whether Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch and Pennsilfaanisch-hochdeitsch are the same or if Pennsilfaanisch-hochdeitsch is Deutsch. Can anyone help? Thanks, 21:36, 6 May 2006 (UTC)
Ich versuche das Berliner Journal Artikel auf Latein zu uebersetzen, aber es ist sehr diffizil, weil die Woerter "Pennsilfaanisch deitsch" und "Pennsilfaanisch-hochdeitsch" mich (und einen Muttersprachler wem ich fragte) verwechseln. Sind sie ein und diesselbe? Kann jemand helfen? Danke, 21:36, 6 May 2006 (UTC)
- Pennsilfaanisch-Hochdeitsch is Standard High German as it was written and spoken and taught in schools among the Pennsylvania Germans. It differs from Standard German in Germany in much the same way that Standard German in Austria would differ from Standard German in Germany, although probably much more since not only might it have some Pennsylvania Dutch influence, but also it may have Luther German influence. Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch is Pennsylvania German which is the language of this wikipedia. Dischdeldritsch 21:56, 6 May 2006 (UTC)
Gruß auf hochdeutsch
EnnereSorry for not speaking deitsch either. Ich fand es sehr interessant und war verblüfft, dass es diese Sprache in so vielen Staaten der USA gibt, finde Eure Wikipedia unheimlich gut und spannend, habe viel Freude daran gehabt, darin zu lesen und wünsche Euch viel Spaß und Erfolg mit eurer Wikipedia.
Entschuldigung, aber dieses "Deitch" sieht total bescheuert aus!
Ennerehello, sorry for my english. Could you maybe lay an interwikilink between en:Wikipedia and your article about wikipedia? Or create wikipedia here? thanks a lot. Effeietsanders
Die neie Verenneringe
EnnereIch wees net fer was some vun em Schreiwes iss nau arrig glee uff em Haaptblatt. Gleichet dihr die Verenneringe odder hend dihr ennich Suggestions? Dischdeldritsch 06:00, 1 November 2006 (UTC)
Hi, Ich hab wennich Druwwel mit die deitsch Fraktur Schrift. Sie is zu grooss fer mei 15 zoll flat monitor - un rechts fehle deel Buchschtawe. Verleicht sett mer die Schrift wennich gleener mache. Dei annre Verenneringe gleich ich aarick. Michel.
- Ok, ich seh was ich duh kann.
Fraktur and Pennsylvania German
EnnereI don't know if in Germany Fraktur is associated with Nazism? In Pennsylvania it has no such association but I think we should be careful anyway since we would get a lot of traffic from Germany. The Pennsylvania Germans came to America at a time when the Fraktur was the way of writing German. The German literature we brought over from Germany was all written in this script. In our homes, our German bibles and songbooks are still printed in the Fraktur and Amish students are still taught German only with the Fraktur. The earliest Pennsylvania German writing was written in this script. What is the opinion of the Germans who look at this site? Dischdeldritsch 16:05, 2 November 2006 (UTC)
Liewer Dischdeltritsch,
basically, an important question.
You´re absolutely right with what you said on the role of Frakturschrift within the Pennsylvania German language culture etc. And if there is something of a common langugage heritage on both sides of the atlantic - especially in regard of Deitschlenner speaking south western german dialects and Deitschlenner having access to the legacy of 300 years of Pennsylvania / Amish High German literature etc.- NO such relationship exists in regard of nazism and its regime of terror and total destruction, because that is forever a Deitschlenner “affair”. It´s as easy as that: The Pennsylvania Germans luckily enjoyed american republicanism and freedom long before their Deitschlenner relatives needed a german word at all for what Pennsylvania Germans called a Schtimmschtub (polling station).
Actually it were also young Pennsylvania German soldiers who helped defeating the Nazis and furthermore helped stabilizing the german democracy in its early years. (That is why - to say it a bit pathetic - i could refuse military service in my beloved German republic without being hanged - me, the lucky post-war Deitschlenner.
So, from that point of view Pennsylvania Germans could use Frakturschrift whenever and whereever they would like to - including our new beautiful Haaptblatt.
It´s also true that you can find Frakturschrift for example on CD´s from german, scandinavian, or anglosaxon Nazi rock bands, and yes, that´s why Fraktur is often associated with Nazism. But most of these stupid hate singers obviously do not know that it was the Nazi regime who massively introduced Latin script as an act of "modernization" of german society. And not to forget: it was also the nazi regime who actively fought German culturally regionalism and even the public use of dialect speech - for example in some german speaking linguistic enclaves in eastern europe especially during the war.
Because our Wikipedelche has no Pan-German, or Nazi bias at all, and more and more of the native speakers of Pennsylvania German are members of a quite pacifist people we should´t be afraid of Nazi traffic from wherever, even if we welcome our guests with some lines in Fraktur - but what do you mean with: "we should be careful anyway since we would get a lot of traffic from Germany" - you mean Nazi traffic from Germany ???
To make a very long story short: use of Fraktur on the Haaptblatt is absolutely okay, probably combined with some motives from PG folk art (?) and a link to a short tri-lingual declaration on the traditons of Fraktur printing in the Deitscherei (?)....
Thank you for that important and sensitive posting – at least in my view. Du bischt der bescht Verwalter ass mir do hawwe kennde. :).
P.S: (A few weeks ago i read in a German bibliography on PG culture and PHG printing from 1937 (partly financed, or at least promoted by the Pennsylvania German Society before 1933) in which a whole line was “blacked” after the war, because the author wrote in the foreword something conformist and folkish on the “germanic culture” of PG farmers etc. The whole Nazi thing makes me sometimes really mad, or neurotic, whatever (maybe my posting is a good example for that :) But who could be suprised about that ? The nazis even tried to integrate the Pennsylvania Germans into their Pan-germanic concept. An attempt which – fortunately – failled from the very beginning – of course more than 150 years of american republican identity was too strong for such thing. They only suceeded with some Philadelphia-Deitschlenners up to 1938. But that is another story.)
Languages linked to Haaptblatt
EnnereInstead of having hundreds of languages linked to the Haaptblatt, I think it is best if we just keep several languages with which Pennsylvania Dutch would have affinity. We have retained historical colonial languages important in southeastern Pennsylvania (Swedish, Welsh, English), as well as other languages that are currently widely spoken in southeastern Pennsylvania (Spanish); wikipedias in German languages or dialects and also Yiddish; the America-based wikipedias (Cree, Cherokee, etc.). Dischdeldritsch 19:51, 2 November 2006 (UTC)
- Hello, this discussion lead sometimes into strange directions as you can read on the German Wikipedia Mainpage Diskussion about adding your language to the main page: Wikipedia Deitsch --WikipediaMaster 12:17, 25 November 2006 (UTC)