Haaptblatt New Look


What is a better image? Is the image too big? What are your opinions about the Haaptblatt? In having a drawn image we are distancing ourselves from what other Wikipedias are doing on their main page. The image is culturally relevant, and perhaps we, as representing a minority language, can afford the luxury of being different from the other wikipedias. What do you think?

Was fer Pikder iss besser? Iss die Pikder zu gross? Was meenet dihr vun unser Haaptblatt? In dem ass mir en gmolde Pikder henn uff unerem Haaptblatt duhne mir Dinge annerscht ass wie die annere grossere Wikipedias. Die Pikder iss pleen unn so wie es iss bei uns, unn velleicht iss es gans allrecht fer different sei. Was meenet?

What do you think about the different pictures... which one is ideal, or should we get rid of the image, or have a different image? / Was denket vun unsere Pikder, was farriche Pikder gleichet bescht odder sedde mir ken Pikder, odder en anner Pikder uffduh?




Ich gleich des Bild (3) bescht. Verleicht sett mer yuscht die Heiser/Scheier een bissli gleener mache un die Schrift greeser. Es waer aa gut, wann mer een amisches Weggli aryedswie zwische die Gebier hieduh kennt. Odder een Weggli newwich des Watt "Wilkum ..." (?)

Der Elliot

danki. ich hab en neie nuffgschtellt mit re verglennerde scheier, haus unn windbump. deed ich meh verglennere watt velleicht die pikder quality zu schlimmm. ich glaab en weggli waer schee, awwer ich meen es bescht fer weckbleiwe vun sell. en bauerei ass lutheran, schwenkfelder, mennonite, amish, usw. sei kennt iss besser, glaawich. - dischtel-dritsch

Ya, hoscht recht mit sellem. Elliot

OK, and I will keep experimenting with different things for a while. - dischdel-dritsch

Deutscher Wikipedia-Artikel


Vielleicht hat jemand Lust, den Artikel "Pennsylvania Dutch" in der deutschsprachigen WP zu erweitern und verbessern: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania_Dutch 20:15, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

Hab's Haaptblatt net gsehne fer en while ! Ich gleich's arrig. Dischdeldritsch 00:14, 23 March 2007 (UTC)


Hi, I've just come across your project, and I love it. I'm a German speaker and had no idea that it's so easy to understand Pennsylvania Dutch--Americans had told me so much about all those differences and that Germans wouldn't understand it, but at least in written form its origins are easily visible...

Just a quick note: Why do you have some English links, buttons, etc.? "View source", "history", "Current events", "Go", "Search", the entire "toolbox" etc. etc. seem oddly out of place on this project. Any particular reason? Best, en/de:Ibn Battuta / 23:22, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

Good question. There are two reasons, first is that one must be a sysop to change these, and we do not have the power to give sysop status. We have to go through mediawiki which is a nightmare especially since most of our potential sysops are pretty busy. I have sysop status but don't have the time or the wikipedia-language know-how to quickly make all the changes. It should be done however. Dischdeldritsch 16:47, 27 March 2007 (UTC)
I see and keep my fingers crossed that you'll steer safely and quickly through the nightmare some day... :o) Anyway, thanks for the quick reply! --en/de:Ibn Battuta / 03:02, 6 Abrill 2007 (UTC)

Wow, from a native German speaker's perspective..this is ugly.

German Wiki: de:Amische


Hi everybody!
In the article de:Amische in the German Wikipedia someone gave the following phrase as an example of Pennsylvania Dutch: "Die englisch Sproch hen Amische ebbmols juscht ge´just far mit die outside Welt zu kommunikäte. Dieweil sie nau immer mehr mit die outside Welt verbunne sin, ischt der Use vun die englisch Sproch ge´wochse, was een Deel Leit critical sehne." Unfortunately, it was an anonymous edit and no sources were cited. I would be very happy if someone could confirm that this is proper Pennsylvania Dutch and a phrase, which is likely to be heard from a P.D. speaker. It certainly sounds good to my "hessische" ears, but I want to make sure that this quotation is not just made up by someone. All the best, Jan -- 19:55, 22 Abrill 2007 (UTC)

Yeah, this would be Pennsylvania Dutch. I maybe would spell it different though (I would use the Barba-Buffington-Beam system, although the way it is spelled here is close to it, and is perhaps easier for Germans to understand). Really though there is no single spelling system yet. The way it is spelled and some of the words used make me think it is probably copied from somewhere. Looks to me like it might be taken from the Mennonite author Noah Good or perhaps from the Amish-raised Joseph W. Yoder. "Die englisch Schprooch henn Amische ebbmols yuscht geyuust fer mit die outside Welt zu communicate-e. Dieweil sie nau immer mehr mit die outside Welt verbunne sinn, iss der Yuus vun die englisch Schprooch gewaxe, was een deel Leit critical sehne." Dischdeldritsch 14:35, 25 Abrill 2007 (UTC)
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